Recent peer-reviewed papers on parasite evolution
Folk, A. & Mennerat, A. (2024) Methods for tagging an ectoparasite, the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis. Peer Community Journal, 4.
Folk, A. & Mennerat, A. (2023) Data: Methods for tagging an ectoparasite, the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis. Zenodo, Data package.
Ugelvik, M.S., Mennerat, A., Mæhle, S. & Dalvin, S. (2023) Repeated exposure affects susceptibility and responses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) towards the ectoparasitic salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). Parasitology, 150(11), 990-1005. doi:10.1017/S0031182023000847
Jensen, C.H., Weidner, J., Giske, J., Jørgensen, C., Eliassen, S. & Mennerat, A. (2023) Adaptive host responses to infection can resemble parasitic manipulation. Ecology and Evolution, 13(7), p.e10318.
Gabagambi, N.P., Skorping, A., Chacha, M., Kihedu, K.J. & Mennerat, A. (2020) Life history shifts in an exploited African fish following invasion by a castrating parasite. Ecol. Evol. 10, 13225–13235.
Previous related papers
Mennerat, A., Nilsen, F., Ebert, D. and Skorping, A. (2010) Intensive farming: evolutionary implications for parasites and pathogens. Evolutionary biology, 37, pp.59-67.
Mennerat, A., Hamre, L., Ebert, D., Nilsen, F., Dávidová, M. and Skorping, A. (2012) Life history and virulence are linked in the ectoparasitic salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25(5), pp.856-861.
Skorping, A., Jensen, K.H., Mennerat, A. & Högstedt, G. (2016) When to reproduce? A new answer to an old question. The American Naturalist, 187(4), pp.540-546.
Ugelvik, M.S., Skorping, A., Moberg, O. and Mennerat, A. (2017) Evolution of virulence under intensive farming: salmon lice increase skin lesions and reduce host growth in salmon farms. Journal of evolutionary biology, 30(6), pp.1136-1142.
Mennerat, A., Ugelvik, M.S., Håkonsrud Jensen, C. and Skorping, A. (2017) Invest more and die faster: The life history of a parasite on intensive farms. Evolutionary Applications, 10(9), pp.890-896.
Ugelvik, M.S., Skorping, A. and Mennerat, A. (2017) Parasite fecundity decreases with increasing parasite load in the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis infecting Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Fish Diseases, 40(5), pp.671-678.
Talks, popular science, and media coverage
Parasite movements: insights from mark-recapture. A. Mennerat (invited plenary), Gordon Research Conference in Movement Ecology, Lucca, June 2023
How does host crowding affect parasite life histories? A mark-recapture in the ectoparasitic salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). A. Folk, M. Heino, A. Mennerat (talk), 8th meeting of the Evolutionary Demography Society, March 2023, Paris
Does farming drive fish disease? The Scientist
The Covid penalty: women in academia lose out
Skorping, A. & Mennerat, A. (2022) Hvorfor bør vi være mindre bekymret for utvikling av resistens mot vaksiner enn mot medikamenter?. Naturen, 146(4), pp.145-148.
Mennerat, A., 2020. Nåtidens evolusjon. Naturen, 144(3), pp.72-77.
Mennerat, A. & Skorping, A. (2009) Lakselus som modell for å forstå utvikling av virulens. Naturen, 133(4), pp.204-208.